Thank you for choosing ValueWeb as the host of your virtual domain. We
wish you the best of luck with your web site, and look forward to serving
you in the months to come. Below are some tips on how to get your site up
and running quickly and easily.
New domain requests take 2 to 4 days for InterNIC to process. The transfer of an existing domain will take 5 to
7 business days (for more information on ETP, click here).
Until your domain resides on the ValueWeb servers, you may temporarily access these services
through your IP address, Be sure to use
www.rodmarc.com once it becomes available on our servers.
Uploading Your Pages
Using the FTP client of your choice, connect to www.rodmarc.com (or
until your domain is active), and login with your username and password. Once logged in, you will be in the
document root directory of your web site - this is where you should place your default page (index.html). If you
have any scripts, change to the "cgi-bin" directory and upload them there. If you wish, you may create sub-directories
and place documents in them as needed.
How Do I Access the Control Panel?
Access http://www.rodmarc.com/stats
via a web browser to:
(until your domain registration is completed, you may use: http://control.valueweb.net/control)
- View web site statistics.
- Alter account settings.
- Upgrade your account.
- Find utilities to aid you with the installation of forms, guestbooks, counters, and more.
Important Things to Remember
- Be careful when modifying any of the existing files in your directory. If you don't know what something does, please avoid deleting it.
- It is a good idea to have at least one version of your files backed up on your local hard drive or storage device.
- Server Side Include (SSI) documents must have a .shtml extension.
- Mail sent to anything@rodmarc.com will be forwarded to your account.
- The pop3 server address is pop.valueweb.net.
- If you are using MS FrontPage, you may begin publishing to the URL
http://www.rodmarc.com/ once your domain is active.
- If you are using a standard FTP client, you may access your account using the username and password you signed up with.
Please e-mail webmaster@valueweb.net if you have any questions about your account.